Each Application Setting has 3 levels of access available for assignment to users: Normal User, Super User and Discard access.

The levels of Application Access are:

  • Normal Users can create documents, they may also update documents assigned to them, complete their assignments, perform reviews, etc.; however, even if they were the creator of these documents, users with Normal user access shall not be able to update documents that are assigned to other users.
  • Super Users have the rights to perform any function that a Normal User can perform within the application, in addition to this, Super Users can route a record even if it is not assigned to the user and they may edit the record regardless of what step of the process it is currently in. Super users shall also have the following List Level features available for lists within the application
    • Change Assigned User: Allows one or many records to be assigned to one or many users
    • Change Field Value: Allows the changing the value of a field across one or many records 
    • Edit Records in Table: Allows the in line editing of lists 
  • Who can discard records? Users in this role shall be able to discard the record irrespective of what step of the workflow it is currently in.