Connection profiles allows fields, lists, and forms to inherit data from external or internal sources. External sources may include Text, XML or Databases (JDBC connection). 

Certain connections can be run as a one off (e.g text file import) or on a schedule (e.g hourly).

The following connection types are currently supported:

    • Database : Import data from an database using a JDBC connection, data shall be imported within a Form/Application already published within the system 
    • Database - No Import : Data is looked up in real time, and not imported within an application. Ideally used for Keyword fields.
    • Form: Data is looked up from a From within the system (no import).
    • Java: A custom Java class is run that carries out business logic embedded within the class.
    • Manual: Used for Keyword fields, whereby the options are specified within the connection (this is the most commonly used connection)
    • Text File (tab delimited): Imports data from a static file whereby each row in the file is imported within a Form/Application within the system.
    • View: Used for keyword lookups, allows for data to be displayed in a list format when looking up information for a keyword
    • XML File: Similar to Text File import, data is imported within a Form/Application that exists within the system.
    • XQuery: Used for Keyword fields, displays the options in the keyword field based on the XQuery.