It is recommended that when setting up security on applications, lists, forms, and processes within the system that groups of users be created. A group could consist of a single user or multiple users or other groups.

Field Details:

  1. User Type, Available options are User and Group. If Group is selected then all user related fields shall be hidden and Group Members shall be specified
  2. Is Active? If checked then the user may login to the system, otherwise the user cannot login and the user cannot be assigned to tasks in the system.
  3. Display Name: This is the name that appears in the system when selecting the user in a form.
  4. Location (s): If set, then the user will only be able to view documents from this location.
  5. User Name, if the Type is User then set the user name as an email address. If the Type is Group then give the group a unique name e.g (DEPARTMENT_MANAGERS)
  6. Email Address: This is the email and user name of the user.
  7. First and Last Name: First and last name of user.
  8. Dashboard Setting: The dashboard that is displayed when the user logs in.
  9. Reset Password: If checked, and the user setting saved, the user shall be prompted to select a new password at login. Default password: momentumqms 
  10. Supervises These Users: Allows selection from users. If the current user is selected as a supervisor for the selected user then the Supervisor may be notified as part of alerts or as part of assignment (when routing in a workflow)
  11. Open Tasks Portal at Login: If set, then instead of showing the dashboard on login the user is shown the Tasks Portal.
  12. Allow Location Selection at Login: If set, then the user shall be allowed to select from all their Location(s) on login.
  13. Liferay User ID: The ID of the User in the Liferay System
  14. 2FA Required: If enabled then the user shall be required to enter a secondary code before they can login. The secondary code shall be sent to the user's Email Address
  15. Current User: Reserved for system use