Incident Overview Diagram

An out-of-the-box workflow of an Incident consists of these steps:

  • Report        
  • Scope Sections
  • Investigate        
  • Approval        
  • Verify
  • Closed

Incident Form Sections

  1. Basic Details Section


Field Explanation


  • Automatically generated with the following format : YY-XXXXX where XXXXX is the next sequential number and YY is the current year.


  • Allow selection from ‘Environment’, ‘Fire’, ‘Injury / Illness’, ‘Near Miss’, ‘Natural Disaster’, ‘Vehicle / Traffic’, ‘Security’ and ‘Other’. To be set by default with ‘Injury / Illness’ when a new record is created.


  • Allow selection from Location A, Location B, Location C

Incident Date and Time

  • Allow selection of a date and time. 

  • To be set by default with the current date and time.

Incident Title

  • Allow free text entry.
  • Mandatory field.

Locations where event occurred

  • Allow free text entry.

Detailed Description of Incident

  • Allow free text entry.

Probable Cause

  • Allow free text entry.

Immediate Actions Taken

  • Allow free text entry.


  • Allow user to attach files.

Incident Image

  • Allow user to attach and annotate the image.

Upload from file

  • Displayed if ‘Upload from file’ is set, allow user to attach a file. If the file attached is an excel document then replace any matching cell name (field name) with the corresponding field on the incident. 

Upload Attachment

  • Only displayed if 'Upload from file' checkbox is clicked.
  • Allow user to attach a file.
  1. Reported By Section



Field Explanation

Reporter Type

  • Allow selection from ‘Internal Employee’, ‘Contractor’, ‘External’ and ‘Other’

Reported By

  • Allow free text entry.

Contact Details

  • Allow free text entry.
  1. Parties Involved in the Incident Section


Field Explanation


  • Allow selection of the section that is relevant to the scope of the CAPA Audit, Customer, Document, Equipment, Management Review, Process, Product, Supplier


  • Allow free text entry.

Contact Details

  • Allow free text entry.


  • Allow free text entry.
  1. Investigation Team Section


Field Explanation

Investigation Team Required?

  • Allow user to specify whether an investigation team will be required

Investigation Lead

  • Displayed if ‘Investigation Team Required?’ is set. 

  • Allow selection from all available users in the system

Internal Team Member

  • Displayed if ‘Investigation Team Required?’ is set. 

  • Allow selection from all available users in the system

External Team Member

  • Displayed if ‘Investigation Team Required?’ is set. 

  • Allow free text entry

Incident Confidential?

  • Displayed if ‘Investigation Team Required?’ is set. 

Incident Record Visible to

  • Displayed if ‘Incident Confidential?’ is set. 

  • Allow selection from all available users in the system .  

  • Incident shall only be visible to the selected users in this field, the assigned users of the incident and Super Users.
  1. Injuries/Illness Details Section


Field Explanation

Was more than one person injured?

  • Allow user to specify whether the incident involved one or more people.

Show Body Map

  • Allow user to specify whether the injuries shall be displayed on an image.


  • When clicked allow users to create an injury record for each person.
  1. Body Map Section


Field Explanation


  • Shall display a body map.

  • Allow user to add markup to the body map.

  1. Person Information Section



Field Explanation

Employment Type

  • Allow selection from ‘Internal Employee’, ‘Contractor’, ‘External’ and ‘Other’


  • Allow free text entry.

Job Title

  • Allow free text entry.

Contracting Company

  • Allow free text entry.

Date Hired

  • Allow selection of a date from calendar.

Date of Birth

  • Allow selection of a date from calendar.


  • Allow selection from ‘Male’ and ‘Female’

Employee ID#

  • Allow free text entry.


  • Allow free text entry.

Phone #1

  • Allow free text entry.


  • Allow free text entry.


  • Allow free text entry.

  1. Injury Details section


Field Explanation


  • Allow selection from Injury, Skin Disorder, Respiratory Condition, Poisoning, Hearing Loss and Other


  • Allow selection from Amputation, dislocated, manual handling, animal/insect Bite, Electric shock, measles, Asbestosis, emotional, poisoning by chemicals, body movement, food poisoning, puncture, break/fracture, hepatitis, sprain/strain, bruise, inhalation, tetanus, burn ,internal, tuberculosis, crushed, lung cancer, typhoid fever, cut, malaria. 


  • Allow selection from Disease, Fatality, First Aid, Medical Treatment and Other.

Bodily Location

  • Allow selection from Abdomen, Face, Leg, Ankle, Finger, Lungs, Arm, Foot, Nose, Back, Hand, Thumb, Backside, Head, Toe, Eye, Knee.


  • Allow selection from Left, Right, Lower, Upper, Second, Third, Fourth.

Type of Contact

  • Allow selection from Caught between, Chemical, Cold environment, Cold Surface, Electricity, Mobile equipment and Noise.

Source of Contact

  • Allow selection from Movement, Buildings / Structures, Doors and Handling of material/equipment.

How did the injury occur

  • Allow free text entry.

  1. Treatment Details section


Field Explanation

Name of physician or other health care professional

  • Allow free text entry.

Treatment conducted in another Facility

  • Allow selection from 'Yes' or 'No'.

Was employee hospitalized?

  • Allow selection from 'Yes' or 'No'.

Was employee treated in an emergency room?

  • Allow selection from 'Yes' or 'No'.

Absence from Work?

  • Allow user to specify whether there was any absence from work.


  • Displayed if ‘Was employee treated in an emergency room?’ is set to ‘Yes’. 

  • Allow free text entry.


  • Displayed if ‘Was employee treated in an emergency room?’ is set to ‘Yes’. 

  • Allow free text entry.

Job Transfer/Restriction?

  • Allow user to specify whether there was any Job Transfer or Restrictions

  1. Environmental Incident section


Field Explanation

Environment Incident Type

  • Allow selection from Breach of license condition, Chemical spill, Damage to culture heritage internal area, Excessive noise, excessive vegetation clearance or damage, fauna injury, fire explosion, fuel spill, management of wastes, protected vegetation damage, uncontrolled air emission, water release (muddy, contaminated).

Agencies Involved

  • Allow selection from EPA, Fire Authority, Other, Police, RSPCA, Water Authoring.


  • Allow selection from Archaeology, heritage or cultural issue; Contamination of land,;Controlled and uncontrolled discharges to water; controlled and uncontrolled emissions to atmosphere; effects on the natural environment; legal; Noise,dust vibration and odour; Other(General environment and social effects); public/media; solids and other wastes; use of land, water, fuels and energy, and other natural resources.

Reports Required

  • Allow selection from Option 1, Option 2, Option 3.

Amount of substance

  • Allow free text entry.

Unit of substance

  • Allow selection from these units cl, g, ml, cm, ghz, mm, cu cm, gl, psi, cu ft, hz, pa, cu inch, inch, oz, cu m, kg, radians, cu mm, khz, ton, deg c, mg, %, deg f, m, each, fl oz, mhz, ft, micron.

Incident Duration (hrs)

  • Allow free text entry.

Cleanup (hrs)

  • Allow free text entry.

  1. Vehicle Incident section


Field Explanation

Registration Number

  • Allow free text entry.

Vehicle Incident Type

  • Allow selection from single car, multi car.

Vehicle Type

  • Allow selection from Personal Car, Company Car. 

Additional Details

  • Allow free text entry.

  1. Witness information section


Field Explanation


  • Allow selection from Contractor, External, Internal Employee and Other.


  • Allow free text entry.

Contact Details

  • Allow free text entry.


  • Allow free text entry.


  • Allow free text entry.

  1. Incident Impact section


Field Explanation

Incident Severity

  • Allow selection from Catastrophic, Extreme, High and Low

Potential Breach of Safety Rules

  • Allow selection from Yes or No

Is this Incident Reportable

  • Allow selection from Yes or No

Conduct Risk Assessment

  • Allow user to specify whether Risk Assessment is required or not.

  1. Sequence of Event section


Field Explanation

Date and Time

  • Allow user to specify a date and time.


  • Allow free text entry.


  • Allow free text entry.


  • Allow free text entry.

  1. Incident Cause section


Field Explanation

Has Incident Cause been determined?

  • Allow user to determine if the incident cause has been determined


  • Allow user to attach a file.

Immediate Cause

  • Allow user to select multiple values from the following drill down options. Displayed if Has incident Cause been determined? is set
  • The available options can be summed up in the table below

Personal : Body position : Ascending/Descending

Personal : Improper use of PPE

Environment : Inadequate ventilation

Personal : Body position : Eyes of path

Personal : Operating or working at unsafe speed

Environment : Poor housekeeping

Personal : Body position : Line of fire

Equipment : Defective tools or equipment

Environment : Radiation exposure

Personal : Body position : Grip/force

Equipment : Hazard identification inadequate or absent

Organisation : Inadequate engineering

Personal : Body position : Posture

Equipment : Improper or defective PPE

Organisation : Inadequate leadership or supervision

Personal : Body position : Pushing & Pulling

Equipment : Inadequate protective mechanisms or guards

Organisation : Inadequate purchasing

Personal : Failure to follow confined space procedure

Equipment : Toxic materials

Organisation : Inadequate rules

Personal : Failure to follow standard operating procedure

Equipment : Tool or equipment not available or inadequate

Organisation : Inadequate tools or equipment

Personal : Failure to warn

Environment : Air contaminants

Organisation : Inadequate work standards

Personal : Failure to wear PPE

Environment : Excessive noise

Organisation : Lack of communication

Personal : Improper use of equipment

Environment : Inadequate illumination

Personal : Improper use of hand tools

Environment : Improper arrangement of materials and equipment

Secondary Cause

  • Allow user to select multiple values from the Immediate Causes list of options. 

  • Displayed if Has incident Cause been determined? is set

Additional Details

  • Allow free text entry.

  • Displayed if Has incident Cause been determined? is set

Lessons Learnt

  • Allow free text entry.

  • Displayed if Has incident Cause been determined? is set

  1. Action Plan section


Field Explanation

Actions Required?

  • Allow user to determine if the incident cause has been determined


  • A button that triggers the action dialog to allow planning actions.


  • A button that allows starting all planned actions.

  1. Cost


Field Explanation


  • Free text field. Multiple Items can be specified.


  • Currency field. For each item specified, a cost can be specified.

  1. Verification


Field Explanation

Incident actions completed as planned

  • Allow selection from Yes or No.

Additional Details

  • Allow free text entry.