
An out-of-the-box workflow of an Issue consists of these steps:

  • Record Issue        
  • Approval        
  • Closed        

Issue Form Sections

  1. Basic Details Section


Field Explanation


  • Allow free text entry


  • Automatically generated with the following format: DEV-XXXXX where XXXXX is the next sequential number

Date of Occurrence

  • Allow selection of a Date. The current date shall be seeded by default.

Reported By

  • Allow selection from all users in the system. 

  • Set with the current user by default


  • Allow selection from: Administration, Customer Service, Human Resources, IT, Manufacturing, Marketing, Quality, Sales


  • Allow selection from: Batch/Packaging Record, Calibration, Computer systems, Environmental, Equipment , Function/Facility Issues, Incoming Materials, Material Status, Other, Out Of Specification, Process Control Parameters, SOP/SOI/SPI/Procedures, Sampling, Testing, Use of Documents.
  • If this Deviation was created from a Calibration record then set ‘Calibration’ by default.


  • Allow user to attach a file.
  1. Immediate Action Section



Field Explanation

Did this issue cause operational disruption?

  • Allow selection from "Yes" or "No".

Immediate Actions Performed

  • Allow free text entry.
  1. Scope of the Problem section


Field Explanation

  • Shall allow user to select from these options Customer, Equipment/Instrument, Process/Operation, Product, Supplier
  1. Impact Assessment Section


Field Explanation

Conduct Risk Assessment?

  • Shall allow user to select whether risk assessment is required or not.

Has this issue occurred before?

  • Allow selection from "Yes" or "No"

Previous Issues

  • Allows selection from all Closed Deviations if ‘Has this issue occurred before?’ is set to ‘Yes’.

Root cause investigation required?

  • Allow selection from ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Visible if Scope does not contain ‘Product’
  1. Implementation Action Section


Field Explanation


  • When clicked allow create an action for the Issue.


  • Allow free text entry.

  1. Equipment/Instrument Section


Field Explanation

Equipment Lookup

  • When clicked allow create an action for the Issue.

Equipment Name

  • Shall allow selection from a list of Equipment in the system. When a Equipment is selected in the Equipment Lookup then the Equipment Name, Equipment Number, Status, Location of the Equipment shall be seeded in the corresponding fields of the section.
  • If this Deviation was created from a Calibration record then set a Link to the Equipment being Calibrated by default.

Equipment Number

  • Allow free text entry. If this Deviation was created from a Calibration record then set the value of the ‘Equipment’ field (Equipment Number) from the Calibration by default.


  • Allow free text entry.


  • Allow free text entry.

Other Details

  • Allow free text entry.

  1. Customers Section


Field Explanation

Customer Lookup

  • Shall allow selection from a list of Customers in the system. When a Customer is selected in the Customer Lookup then the Name, Contact Name, Email, Phone of the Customer shall be seeded in the corresponding fields of the section.


  • Allow free text entry.

Contact Name

  • Allow free text entry.


  • Allow free text entry.


  • Allow free text entry.

Other Details

  • Allow free text entry.

  1. Suppliers Section


Field Explanation

Supplier Lookup

  • Shall allow selection from a list of Suppliers in the system. When a Supplier is selected in the Supplier Lookup then the Business Name, Contact Name, Email, Phone of the Supplier shall be seeded in the corresponding fields of the section.

Contact Name

  • Allow free text entry.


  • Allow free text entry.


  • Allow free text entry.

Other Details

  • Allow free text entry.

  1. Product Section


Field Explanation

Product Lookup

  • Shall allow selection from a list of Products in the system. When a Product is selected in the Product Lookup then the Number, Name, Version, Location of the Product shall be seeded in the corresponding fields of the section.


  • Allow free text entry.


  • Allow free text entry.


  • Allow free text entry.


  • Allow free text entry.

Batch Number

  • Allow free text entry.

Lot Number

  • Allow free text entry.

Manufacturing Date

  • Allow selection from dialog

Other Details

  • Allow free text entry.

  1. Process/Operations Section


Field Explanation

Process Name

  • Allow free text entry.


  • Allow free text entry.

Related Procedure

  • Allows selection from all approved documents in the system