Scoring Profile Workflow Diagram

 No workflow shall be required for the Rating Profile form. This form shall be used to record the rating for supplier in the system. 

Scoring Profile Form Sections and Fields

  1. Scoring Profile Section


Field Explanation


  • Allow free text entry


  • Allow user to specify whether the Scoring Profile is active or not (enabled/disabled)

Scoring Type

  • Allow selection from 'Score', 'Percentage'

Total Weight (%)

  • Computed field, adds up and displays the sum of all sub criteria (‘Weight of Criteria’). The Total Weight must add up to 100% (i.e all Criteria sections must add up to 100)

  1. Criteria Section


Field Explanation


  • Allow free text entry

Weight of Criteria (in %)

  • Allow numeric value

Sub Criteria

  • Allow free text entry, for each Criteria a Sub Criteria can be specified