Master Data Supplier Workflow Diagram

 No workflow shall be required for the Master Data form. This form shall be used to record the material records in the system. 

Master Data Supplier Form Sections and Fields

  1. Details Section


Field Explanation

System Number

  • Allow free text entry.

Supplier Number

  • Allow free text entry.


  • Allow the user  to set whether the Material is active or not

Business Name

  • Allow free text entry.

Primary Contact Name

  • Allow free text entry.


  • Allow free text entry.


  • Allow free text entry.


  • Allow free text entry.

Rating Profile

  • Allow selection from all available Rating Profiles in the Supplier Module

Scoring Profile

  • Allow selection from all available Scoring Profiles in the Supplier Module
  1. Rating Section


Field Explanation

Current Rating

  • Allow selection from all suppliers in the system.


  • Read only field, displays the most recent rating description for the Supplier


  • Read only field, displays the most recent rating indicator for the Supplier

Rating Link

  • Read only field, link to the rating record


  • Read only field, link to the rating description


  • Read only field, link to the rating indicator

Date Completed

  • Read only field, link to the date the rating was completed