User Action Workflow Diagram

An out-of-the-box workflow of a User Action form consists of these steps:

  • Plan (this is where the action is created and the details filled out, e.g the title, the due date, assigned user and so on)
  • Assigned (this is where the action is carried out by the assigned user)
  • Closed (action is considered closed, the work has either been completed or not)

Explanation of Form Sections and Fields

  1. Action Details Section


Field Explanation

Parent Link

  • Shall display the link to the parent process from which the action has been created.


  • Must be filled before submitting to the next task.
  • Free text field to allow a brief description of the action.


  • Automatically generated by the system. Format ACT-XXXXX. Where XXXXX is the next sequential number

Action Type

  • Shall allow selection from General, Training, Emergency, Documentation, Maintenance, Monitor.

Due Date

  • Must be filled before submitting to the next task.
  • Shall allow selection from a calendar. 
  • This shall be the Due Date of the action 

Details of action to be Performed

  • Free text field to allow users to add detailed information about the action

Assign To

  • Must be filled before submitting to the next task.
  • Shall allow selection from all users in the system. The Assigned step shall be set to this user(s) by default


  • Shall allow selection from High, Medium and Low

Related Attachment

  • Shall allow the users to attach a file in support of the action
  1. Action Result Section


Field Explanation

Details of action performed

  • Shall allow free text entry.

Action Completed

  • Must be selected before submitting to the next task.
  • Shall allow users to select 'Yes' or 'No'.

Related Attachment

  • Shall allow users to select supporting file.