Action Plan Workflow

From time to time Actions (multiple or single) are required to be planned and approved before they can be assigned to users for completion. In such situations an Action Plan is required and out of the box applications such as CAPA, Change Management and Incidents makes use of Action Plans to achieved this objective. 

Explanation of Action Plan Form Sections and Fields

  1. Parent Process Section


Field Explanation


  • Shall display the link to the Parent Document from which the Action Plan was created.
  1. Plan Section


Field Explanation


  • Free text field to allow inputting a brief description of the action.

Action Type

  • Shall allow selection from General, Training, Emergency, Documentation, Maintenance, Monitor.

Due Date

  • Must be filled to create an action plan. 

  • Shall allow selection from a calendar.

Details of action to be performed

  • Free text field to allow user to add detailed information about the action.

Assign Action to 

  • Must be filled to create an action plan.

  • Shall allow selection from all users in the system.


  • Shall allow selection from High, Medium and Low.

Related Documents

  • Shall allow the user to attach a file in support of the action.

Action Link

  • When actions are started from the parent process, the link to the corresponding action is displayed here.