Through the Application Designer page, you can edit the Application Setting and customize the application components (i.e. Forms, Processes, Lists). Access to an Application Designer page requires a ADMINISTRATOR Access.

To access the Application Designer page perform the following steps:

Click on the Settings Page:


Click on the name of the Application for which you wish to access the Application Designer

The Application Designer shall be displayed that shows all the Forms, Processes and Lists under that Application

The Application Designer consists of the following elements:



The Application Setting

Opens the Application Setting where the user access, logo, display name etc can be specified

Form Layouts

For all the Forms within the Application this section provides all the Form Layouts for those forms. Clicking on the form links opens the Form Builder for the form.

Form Setting

Displays Form Settings for all Forms within the Application. Clicking on a link opens the Form setting that specifies additional rules and access to API - Event Handlers for the Form. The event handlers requires some programming experience and allows designers to override events of the form (such as On Open, On Save and On Refresh)


A List setting is required to view data that has been created for that form. A list is similar to an excel spreadsheet with rows representing each record of the form and each column representing a field within that form. 

Clicking on a link -> View opens the List setting where the List access control, columns, filtering criteria etc can be specified. 


Displays all the Processes for all the Forms within the Application. A Process can only be linked to one form, however a form can have multiple processes. e.g the Document Control form can have a process for Controlled Documents, Regulatory Documents, Records and so on. 

Clicking on a link opens the Process setting that allows you to change the Access Control, numbering criteria to be used and access to the individual Tasks (Steps) of the process