Approval Task

  1. Overview

  • The Deviation shall go through the approval process at this step of the workflow.

  1. Sections

  • These sections Equipment/Instrument, Customers, Suppliers, Product, Process/Operations  are not visible initially but users have to choose which sections that are relevant to the Deviation and enable them in Scope of the problem section. 




Deviation Details

Immediate Actions

Scope of the Problem

Impact Assessment

Implementation Actions






Summary of Implementation

  1. Routing

  • Please refer to the diagram in the Overview section to see an end-to-end workflow.

  • A Deviation can only be routed forward to the Closed step. 

  1. Entering Approval Task

  • The Record Issue task is entered after the Record Issue task is completed.        

  1. Submitting Approval Task

  • Submitting Approval Task will follow the standard routing process. Please refer to the routing process in the introduction module of this guide for more details.

  • The status under the Summary of Implementation section must be set before routing to closed task.