Approval Decision Task

  1. Overview

    • During the Approval step, each Approver (if there are multiple Approvers assigned), shall have the opportunity to document their decision in relation to the Change information and the proposed Action Plan.
    • The outcome of this step shall determine whether the Change shall proceed to Implementation, rejected (and hence closed) or returned for more changes/information (back to Initiate).

  1. How Approval Decision works

    • Each approver will login one by one and add their decision and comments when approving the Change

    • All approvals shall be recorded in the Approvals tab. 

    • The final approver shall determine whether to proceed, reject or return for more change/information based on the previous Approver's comments under Approvals section and their own decision.

    • The next task shall be determined based on the approval decision:

      • Proceed: The Change shall be routed to the Implement step.

      • Rejected: The Change shall be routed to the Closed step.

      • Return for more changes/information: The Change shall be routed to the Initiate step.