
  1. Once a report is added to a user’s dashboard, they can start it by going to the Analytics dropdown menu and selecting the report.
  2. They can also start a report from the Start New button in the Analytics Application.
  3. Each time the user opens a new report, it will be updated with the latest data from the system. If the user clicks the Save button on the report, it will create a snapshot of the data that will not change and can be opened again at a later date from within the Analytics Application.
    1. Reports that are generated by the system will also be saved as a snapshot of the data and can be accessed at any time from the Analytics Application.

Reports shall have the following data during Edit step:

Title: Read-only field containing the Report Profile’s Title.

Created On: Read-only field containing the report's created date.

Filter Report: When this button is clicked, a Search dialog will open containing a number of filters that can be applied to the report.

Chart: This is the chart that gets created based on the data in the Report Profile’s List. The chart is displayed only if the Report Profile’s ‘Hide Chart’ field is unchecked.

If the Report Profile’s Type is Pie, Line, Bar and Column and if the Calculation Type is ‘Count’ then the Chart shall display a count of the values specified in the Report Profile’s Category.

If the Report Profile’s Type is Pie, Line, Bar and Column and if the Calculation Type is ‘Sum’ and if the Category is a numeric field then the Chart shall display a Sum of the Value (Field) specified for the Report Profile’s Category.

If the Report Profile’s Type is Pie, Line, Bar and Column and if the Calculation Type is ‘Average’ and if the Category is a numeric field then the Chart shall display an Average of the Value (Field) specified in the Report Profile’s Category.

If the Report Profile’s Type is ‘Cluster’ or ‘Stacked’ then the Chart shall display a count of the values specified in the Report Profile’s Category compared with the values specified in the Sub Category.

Alongside the visual Chart, and if the Report Type is not ‘Risk Heat Map’, a Data summary shall be displayed that summarises the data displayed in the chart.

Category Name: Read-only field that displays all Categories in the data for the Report Profile.

Category Total: Read-only field that displays a count for each category.

Sub Category Name: For ‘Cluster’ and ‘Stacked’ reports, a Sub Category is displayed for each Category.

Sub Category Total: For each sub category a count is displayed for that sub category.

Category Percentage of Total: displays a % of that category from the total.

Total across all Categories: Read-only field that displays the total across all categories.

Sub Category Breakdown: Read-only field that is displayed If the report type is ‘Cluster’ or ‘Stacked’. Displays all Sub categories in the report.

Percentage of Total: Read-only field displayed If the report type is ‘Cluster’ or ‘Stacked’. Displays a % of the Sub categories from the total.

Heat Map Data Summary: Read-only field displayed if the Report Type is ‘Risk Heat Map’. Displays all the data in the underlying List of the Report Profile.