Training Lists

  • Courses – by Number. Displays all Courses that have been started in the system.
  • Employee Certificates – by Number. Displays Certificates for Users that have completed their Assessments. 
  • Profiles – Competencies. Displays all Competency Profiles. These are the training requirements a user must comply against.
  • Profiles – Course Profiles. Displays all Course Profiles that link a Competency with an Employee/User.
  • Profiles – Employees. Displays all Employees in the system that need to be trained on. An Employee record is created automatically when a User is created.
  • Profiles – Employees by Supervisor.  Displays employee record for the supervisor (current user)
  • Profiles – My Employee record- shows current user’s employee record.
  • Profiles – Training Plan. Displays all Training Plan profiles.
  • Status Reports . Reports on Failed, Pending and Competencies
  • Training Matrix. Displays all Training Matrix Plan
  • Training Plans. Displays all Training Plans assigned to users.