Initiate Task

  1. Overview

    • At this stage you can provide a description of the issue, including any immediate actions performed, determine the investigation and approval team that will investigate and implement the CAPA.

  1. Sections

    • Optional sections: Audit information, Customers information, Documents information, Equipment information, Processes information, Product information, Suppliers information, Management Review information, Process information and products information, suppliers information are not visible initially, users have to choose sections that are relevant to the CAPA and enable them in scope section. 




Basic Details

Immediate Actions


Impact Details

Audit Information

Customers Information


Documents Information

Equipment Information

Management Review Information

Process Information

Products Information

Suppliers Information

Required Approvals


Investigation Outcome

Action Plan




  1. Routing

    • Please refer to the diagram in the Overview section to see the end-to-end workflow.

    • From the Initiate Step the  CAPA can only be routed forward to the Investigate step. 

  1. Completing the  Initiate Task

    • Submitting the Initiate Task will follow the standard routing process. Please refer to the routing process in the introduction module of this guide for more details.

    • Investigation lead (specified in the CAPA Team tab) will be automatically assigned to the Investigate task.