Mail Templates can be used to send specific information from within a form as an email. For e.g if a Customer Complaint has been reported in the Customer Feedback module then a Mail Template could be used to acknowledge the receipt of that complaint by providing the originator with the complaint number (Business Number) and an initial response (from a field within the Complaint form)

Sample Template

Field Details:

  1. Template Name: A unique name for the template
  2. Parent Form: The form from which the email will be created. Any information that is to be embedded within the email shall be picked from fields within this form
  3. Send to Field: The field that contains the user that needs to be emailed. If the field is a Names field then all selected users shall be notified, if the field is a text field then the field content must be an email address of the recipient
  4. Include Calendar Invite: If checked the email shall be sent as a Calendar entry.
  5. Location Field: The field that contains the location of the meeting (if calendar invite)
  6. Start Date / Time Field: The start date for the invite (if calendar invite)
  7. End Date / Time Field: The end date for the invite (if calendar invite)
  8. Attachment Field:  Email Inherits attachment from this field, if the attachment field is in a repeating grid then all attachments shall be added from that grid
  9. Enabled? A template must be enabled in order to be available to be used.
  10. Email Subject and Body: Free text field, if values are to be inherited from the Parent Form then those fields shall need to have their design names enclosed within a "{}" brackets.