Project Control Overview Diagram

An out-of-the-box workflow of a Project Control consists of these steps:

  • Started        
  • Approval
  • Completed                

Project Control Form Sections

  1. Project Details Section


Field Explanation

Project Number

  • Allow free text entry.

Project Name

  • Allow free text entry.

Project Type

  • Allow selection from all available project templates in the system.

Project Address

  • Allow free text entry.

Project Managing Company

  • Allow free text entry.

Project Start Date

  • Allow selection from a calendar.

Project End Date

  • Allow selection from a calendar.

Duration (days)

Add Tasks from Other Applications

  • Allow selection from all actions in system.

Report Export

  • Allow user to attach a file.
  1. Project Team Section



Field Explanation


  • Allow selection from Client Project Manager, Contact Administrator, Project Manager, Qualified first aid personal, site foreman,  Site WHS Representative. 


  • Allow selection from all users in the system.

  1. Tasks - Kanban


Field Explanation

  • Lists of kanban cards will appear, these lists and cards appear based on the project template.