Project Template

  • No workflow shall be required for the Meeting Template.

  • After created, project template can be selected from the meeting form so all the details in the tasks - kanban shall be populated.

Meeting Template Sections and Fields

  1. Template Details Section


Field Explanation

Template Name

  • Allow free text entry


  • Allow selection from Coordinating, HSE Committee, Interdepartmental, Management, Planning, Project Team, Staff, Standup, Tailgate, Team building, Toolbox.


  • Allow specifying whether meeting template is in used. 

Available Roles

  • Allow selection from: Client Project Manager, Contract Administrator, Project Manager, Qualified First Aid Personnel, Site Foreman, Site WHS Representative. 

Users that perform this role

  • Allow selection from all users in the system. 
  1. Tasks Section


Field Explanation

Outline Title

  • Free text field to allow inputting a brief description of the action.


  • A button allow creating a task.