To start an audit, click Start New - > Audits -> Audit on the homepage.

  • Begin by selecting the Audit Type (from a list of Audit Templates)
  • On selection of the Audit Type, Checklists from the Audit Template are automatically brought across and populated in the ‘Summary’ section along with all the questions for the 1st Checklist.
  • Answer all questions in the checklist and raise any actions as required. Any actions raised shall be visible in the Question and in the Findings section of the Summary
  • A summary of all questions in the checklist is set in the ‘Result’ field when the Audit is saved or when the next checklist is selected.
  • Next checklist can be selected by selecting ‘Next Checklist’ or by selecting the relevant checklist from ‘Current Checklist’ field.
  • Navigate to the ‘Conclusion’ tab to close off the Audit, raise a CAPA if required by selecting ‘Create CAPA’
  • Record any recommendations and participants and by specifying the closing statements.