Training Certificate Profile Form Fields and Sections

  1. Certificate Section

Field Explanation

Number, automatically generated with the following format: CERT-XXXXX where XXXXX is the next sequential number

Trainee, set with name of the Trainee 

Course Profile, set with the name of the relevant Course Profile. Read only field.

Related Course, set with a link to the relevant Course Record. Read only field.

Status, set with the result of the Assessment of the relevant Course Profile. Editable field, available options are 'Passed', 'Failed' and 'Suspended'

Completed Date, displays the date the Training was completed. Read only field.

Retraining Required? Set based on whether the related Competency has Retraining Required? Read only field.

Retrain Date, displayed if Retraining Required? Is set and seeded with the completed date + the Retrain After (months) from the related Competency.

Assessment Type, set with the Assessment Type from the parent Course. Read only field.

Competencies, set with the related Competency from the parent Course. Read only field.

Related Exam, displayed if the Assessment Type is of Exam (online) and set with the Exam the user undertook. Read only field.

Related Course Profiles, set with the related Course Profile. Read only field.

Printable Certificate Required? if set (and certificate is saved) a Printable Certificate shall be created based on a Template

Printable Certificate, displayed if Printable Certificate Required? is set

Related Attachment, set with the attachment when an Offline Course is completed (if an attachment is provided)