Exam Form Fields and Sections

  1. Exam Details Section

Field Explanation

Parent Course, set with the link to the Parent Course

Related Documents, set with links to Related Documents in the Parent Course

Exam Number, automatically generated with the following format: EXAM-XXXXX where XXXXX is the next sequential number

Trainee, set with the user that created the Exam

Date Created, set with the date the Exam was created

Question, displays all the questions from the Exam Profile of the parent Course Profile. If more than one Exam Profile is set then a random Exam Profile shall be selected.

Answer, displays all the available answers for each corresponding questions from the selected Exam Profile of the parent Course Profile.

Exam - Completed

When the Assigned Exam is submitted and hence Completed the Exam shall be closed and return the user to the Exam Plan

Document shall have the following data during Completed step:

  • Exam Details Section visible and read only
    • Parent Course
    • Related Documents
    • Exam Number
    • Trainee
    • Date Created
    • Question (multiple)
    • Answer (multiple)

A Training Certificate is generated when the exam is submitted.

If the result (%) is greater than or equal to the Passing Score of the Exam then the Certificate’s Status shall be set as Passed, otherwise the Status is set as Failed.