Training Plan Profile Form Fields and Sections

  1. Training Plan Profile Section

Field Explanation

Profile Number, automatically generated with the following format: TRAIN-PLAN-XXXXX where XXXXX is the next sequential number

Title, shall allow free text entry

Responsible Manager(s), shall allow selection from all users in the system

Assign the Plan to these Users, shall allow selection from all users and groups in the system

Assign Plan to User (s), button is visible when Assign the Plan to these Users field is populated. When clicked, shall create a new Training Plan Record for each user and assign that record to the respective user. 

Add Pending Courses For These Users, button is visible when Assign the Plan to these Users field is populated. When clicked, all pending courses for the selected users shall be added to the Training Plan.

Training Plans Assigned to Users, link field. All Training Plan records created shall be displayed in this field

Details, allow free text entry

  1. Add Course Profiles Section

Training Plan Profile - Edit

Allow the adding of multiple course profiles

Course Profile, allow selection from all Course Profiles with the Assessment Type of ‘Exam (online)’

Prerequisites, shall display a list of prerequisites required for the respective Course Profile. Prerequisites shall be calculated once the Training Plan is saved.