Training Plan Record Form Fields and Sections

  1. Training Plan Section

Field Explanation

Number, automatically generated with the following format: TRAINING -XXXXX where XXXXX is the next sequential number

Title, set to the Title of the parent Training Plan Profile 

Responsible Managers, set to the Responsible Managers from the parent Training Plan Profile

Assign To, read only field, set with the User that is assigned to the Training Plan Record

Details, inherits the Details from the parent Training Plan Profile

Schedule All Exams, When clicked starts Exams for all Courses listed in the Courses In This Plan Section (if an Exam has not been started already)

  1. Courses in this Plan Section

Field Explanation

For each Course Profile listed in the Training Plan Profile a corresponding Course shall be listed in the Training Plan Record

Course, read only field. Seeded with the corresponding Course Profile from the parent Training Plan Profile

Schedule Exam, button is visible if an Exam has not been schedule for the Course yet. When clicked creates a new Course and assigns the Exam Plan to the ‘Assign To’ user.

Scheduled Exam, read only field. Displays the link to the Exam (when created by clicking on the Schedule Exam button)

Status, read only field, set to Pending if an Exam Plan has not yet been created for the Course, set to Exam Created if an Exam Plan has been created, set to Exam Passed if the Exam was completed successfully

Related Attachments, read only field. Displays any Related Attachments from the corresponding Course Profile