Regulation Workflow Diagram

An out-of-the-box workflow of Regulation consists of these steps:

  • Draft 
  • Upload

Upload Record Form Sections and Fields

  1. Select Records section


Field Explanation

Drop files (or Click) here to upload

  • When clicked, a prompt shall appear to allow uploading a file.


  • Will be automatically detected based on the file name and in read-only.
  • The name of the file also includes the file extension. 

Remove Files

  • When clicked, the file will be removed from the “Select Records” section.

  1. Record Details section 


Field Explanation


  • Will be automatically detected based on the uploaded file.


  • The department the record belongs.
  • Allow selection from a dropdown field with the following out-of-the-box options: Administration, Customer Service, Human Resources, IT, Manufacturing, Marketing, Quality, Sales. 

Document Link

  • A link to record at completed record step. 
  • A record can then be initiated change. 


  • Define the unique document number which identifies the document. 


  • Define the version of the record. 


  • The uploaded record.
  • Download link appears for downloading.