Verify Task

  1. Overview

  • The actions related to the incident shall be verified if it was completed or not.

  1. Sections

  • These sections Environmental incident, vehicle incident are not available initially but only available if type of incident is environment and vehicle/traffic respectively.




Basic Details

Reported By

Parties Involved in the incident

Injury/Illness Details

Body Map

Investigation Team

Person information

Injury details

Treatment Details

Environmental incident

Vehicle Incident 

Witness information

Incident impact

Sequence of events

Incident cause

Action Plan



  1. Routing

  • Please refer to the diagram in the Workflow Steps topic to see an end-to-end workflow.

  • An Incident can only be routed to the closed step or routed back to the Investigation step.

  1. Entering Verify Task

  • The Verify task is entered after Approval task is finished.        

  1. Submitting Verify Task

  • Submitting Verify Task will follow the standard routing process. Please refer to the routing process in the introduction module of this guide for more details.