Approval Task

  1. Purpose

  • Regulation approval process will occur at this step of the workflow.

  1. Visible sections





Identification Details

Approved Attachment

Compliance Assessment

  1. Routing

  • Please refer to the diagram in Overview section to see an end-to-end workflow.

  • Regulation can  be routed forward to Approval or backward to Draft step.
  1. Entering Approval Task

  • Approval task is entered after drafting a regulation.

  • A notification email will be sent to Approvers when entering Approval task.

  1. Submitting Approval Task

  • Submitting Approval Task will follow the standard routing process. Please refer to the routing process in the introduction module of this guide for more details.

  • If there are multiple approvers, only one approver needs to sign the document to route the document to the approved task.