Check in Check out Document 

  1. Step-by-step instruction of the checkout/check in process

    To check out the document

  • Click on the 'Document - Check Out' button to add a new entry to the review log.        

  • Click the Download link under the Attachment Field in the new review log entry.

  • Make the required changes to the document on your local machine.

      To check in the document

  • Click the red cross in the Attachment field to remove the old document.

  • Click the Choose File button and upload the edited document.

  • Click the 'Document - Check In' button to submit your Review.

  1. Explanation at each step of the checkout/check in process

  • The document can be checkout and checked in at the review step by choosing the review log tab. 

Review Log - before Checkout 


Field Explanation


  • When clicked, a new Review Log is created and the Draft Document is copied into the Attachment field. Only one user may checkout a document at one time.

Review Log - After Checkout


Field Explanation


  • Auto set to reviewer.
  • Readonly and set to the current user.


  • Automatically set to a copy of the Draft Document.


  • Editable to the current user if the current user currently checks out the document.

Checkout Date

  • Automatically set to the date and time when the reviewer checked out the document.

Checked out?

  • Automatically checked during the checkout process and unchecked when the reviewer checks the document back in.
  • If the document has been checked out, only the admin can manually check in by selecting it.

Check in Date

  • Automatically set to the date and time when the reviewer checked in the document.

Review Log - After check in when finishing Review

  • A complete Review log will be recorded and displayed in the Review Log tab of the current document.