Course Profile Form Fields and Sections

  1. Course Profile Section

Field Explanation

Profile Number, automatically generated with the following format : CRP-XXXXX where XXXXX is the next sequential number

Course Name, specify the name of the Course

Owner, allows selection from all users in the system. Field is not visible if the course is created from Document Control

Course Description, allows free text entry. Field is not visible if the course is created from Document Control

Competencies, allows selection from all competencies that are included in this course, displays all Enabled Competencies

Location, allows free text entry. Field is not visible if the course is created from Document Control

Prerequisites Required?, allow the user to specify whether Prerequisites are required or not

Prerequisites, displayed if ‘Prerequisites Required?’ is set. Allows selection from all enabled Competencies in the system. Prerequisites can be referrred when starting a Course to confirm whether a user has all the Prerequisite Competencies completed before attempting a new Competency.

Disable Course Profile?, if checked the Course Profile shall be disabled and shall not be available for selection when starting new Courses.

Select Trainees using, defaulted to ‘User List’ and read only

User List, allows selection from all available users and groups in the system

Assessment Type, allows selection from: ‘Exam (online)’, ‘Exam (Written/Offline)’, ‘Grandfather’. Field is read only and set with ‘Exam (Online)’ if created from Document Control.

Exam Scoring Criteria, Displayed if Assessment Type is set to ‘Exam (Written/Offline)’. Allows selection from: ‘Pass/Fail’, ‘Based on Score’.  

Passing Score (mandatory), Displayed if Exam Scoring Criteria is set to ‘Based on Score’, allows entry of numerical value. 

Number of failed attempts allowed, Displayed if Assessment Type is set to ‘Exam (online)’, allows entry of numerical value. Default value of 5 attempts if created from Document Control

Create Exam, Displayed if Assessment Type is set to ‘Exam (online)’, when clicked allows user to create an Exam profile. 

Select an Exam Profile, Displayed if Assessment Type is set to ‘Exam (online)’, when clicked allows user to select from existing Exam profiles (instead of creating a new Exam) 

Start Course, Displayed once the Course Profile has been saved, when clicked creates a new Course and prefils the Course details

  1. Supporting Material Section

Field Explanation

Document Links, allows selection from all approved Documents in the system. If the Course's Competency is already linked to a Document then that Document shall be added as a link automatically

Attachments (multiple), allows a user to attach one or more files. Field is made read only if created from Document Control.