Risk Measure

Represents strategies or actions implemented within the application to address or mitigate identified risks.


Workflow Diagram

Explanation of fields


Field Explanation


  • A mandatory text field.


  • If checked, the form won't be available or visible for linking from another form.


  • The document system number, which is system-generated.


  • The version number, which is system-generated.


  • A multi-select checkbox which user can select 1 or more Risk Measure type.


  • A rich text field where you can freely describe the content or add any other pertinent information.

Attachment and Comment

  • The attachment field allows for the addition of any document file. In contrast, the comment field can be used to write any notes or remarks. Multiple items are allowed.


Field Explanation


  • A button that, when clicked, updates the form to reflect all changes. However, these changes still need to be saved to be applied.

Design Inputs

  • Link to Design Inputs.

Design Outputs

  • Link to Design Outputs.

Validation Test Cases

  • Link to Validation Test Cases.

Verification Test Cases

  • Link to Verification Test Cases.

Risk Hazard Analysis

  • If a Risk Measure is referenced within a Risk Hazard Analysis, a link to that specific Risk Hazard Analysis will be automatically added to the Risk Hazard's “Risk Hazard Analysis” field.