Database connections involve connecting with external databases such as MySQL, Access etc The data shall be looked up (based on a schedule) and imported within a Form that either exists already or has been designed specifically for the purposes of data import. 

Sample Connection 

Field Details:

  1. Connection Name: Display name of the connection.
  2. Connection Method: Set to Database, available options (Database, Database - No Import, Form, Java, Manual, Text File, View, XML File, Xquery)
  3. Target Form: Form where the data will be imported
  4. Process: Which process to associate for each record that has been imported
  5. Status: Is the record to be imported in the first step of the process (New) or the last step (Completed)
  6. Database Connection: JDBC URL for the database (ensure that the appropriate Libraries/Jar files are specified on the server)
  7. Database Query: SQL Statement to be run that returns the information to be displayed on the list, the columns in the SQL shall have an Alias that matches the corresponding field name on the Form that has been designed for this connection. 
  8. Username: Database user name, typically this is a read only user account on the database
  9. Password: Password for the username
  10. Primary Key(s): If the connection is to be run on a schedule (hourly for example) then it may be required that existing records are not imported again and again. For that purpose the Primary Key (or Unique criteria) has to be specified and the system shall not create a record if the Primary Key data already exists. 
  11. Column Mapping
    • Column Name in Database: Column name in the database SQL Query 
    • Corresponding Field: Field on the Form Setting (form published for this connection)
  1. Run this Schedule?: If set, then the connection will run at the specified schedule, otherwise the connection shall run on each save.
  2. Start Time: Date and time when the connection shall be scheduled from
  3. Update Frequency: The repeat frequency combined with the Update Freuency (Units), for e.g if the connection is to be run hourly then set this field to 1 and the Units field to Hours
  4. Update Frequency (Units): Days, Hours and Minutes. Used in combination with Update Frequency field
  5. Most Recent Update: This is the Date and Time when the connection was last run