Interacting with a task

  1. Overview

  • User can perform certain operations on a task such as starting a task and changing tude date. 

  1. Interacting with a Task

  • In the Tasks dialog (when task card is clicked), all available Tasks parameters such as Task, Person Responsible, Due Date can be updated.
  • If the ‘Is the Task Executable?’ is set then the ‘Tasks’ field shall be displayed where any available process in the system can be selected. If the executable process was specified in the Task Template then that shall be inherited automatically.
  • If the ‘Is the Task Executable?’ is not set then the status of the task can be set by selecting from the available  status dropdown.
  • In order to start any executable tasks, select the task that needs to be started by setting the ‘Select Task’ field and then click ‘Start Selected Tasks’.
  • The task shall be created and assigned to the Person Responsible with due date set as the Due Date.