A View / List is the primary way of accessing data within the system. A List is similar in appearance to an excel spreadsheet where each row represents a record/document in the system and each column a field on that record or document. 

A View/List's name and category along with the type of data that appears in the list can be configured. For e.g the user may require a list that displays all Approved documents or all Documents of type Procedure and another list to show all Pending Documents.

Sample List:

A List / View Setting can be accessed as follows:

  1. On the ‘Settings’ page click on the Application name to open the Application's Design Settings.


  1. Click on the List setting in the LISTS section, then click on View to open the List

3. The List Setting shall be displayed as follows:

Basic Details



Design Name

Unique name used by the system for internal purposes and used when referencing this View in other Settings of the system. 


The Form whose data (Fields) shall be displayed in the List


The database query that is either created automatically or manually entered and is used to query the database to get the results

Name and Category

The name and category (folder) that a user sees in the Application navigator. The name and categories are separated by a '/', there may be as many levels of categories as required. Multiple lists with the same category shall be grouped together e.g:



XQuery Where Condition

Xquery that can be specified to either filter or sort the results of the list

Visible to Users

If specified, the List shall only be visible to the users specified in this field


If set, the List shall not be visible in the Application navigator

Filter Records by User Field?

If set, the data that appears in the list can be automatically filtered to only show data that has the current user mentioned in the data. E.g display only those records that are assigned to the current user

Filter User Field

Displays all fields in the system, visible if 'Filter Records by User Field?' is set, the data will be filtered to show only the records that have the current user's id in this field

Is External?

If set, the data in the List shall be obtained from an external source (Database Connection)

Database Connection

Displays a list of Connections of type Database, when set the List shall display data that is obtained using the Database Connection

Edit XQuery Manually

By default the XQuery field is read only and is automatically calculated based on the Fields being added to the List, checking this field shall make the XQuery editable and the automatic generation of the XQuery shall be disabled 

SQL View

If set, the XQuery shall be automatically generated assuming the data shall be obtained from the Liferay Database (MySQL). This is a recommended option if there is large amounts of data and requires the Form to be Indexed

An alternative to XQuery Where Condition is to specify a structured filter



(filter join type)

When specifying multiple filtering criteria use the Join type to say whether all criteria is mandatory or optional. For e.g 2 filters can be specified, the objective of the filters being to show all Documents that have the document Type as Procedure or Policy.

Filter by Column

Displays a list of all Fields on the current form, when specified, the filter criteria shall look for the specified Value in this Field



The above criteria is used when comparing the value in the field


Value to look for in the Field

Main fields are any fields that are not in a repeatable section or grid. When specified the list will display a column for each Field 




Displays a list of all Fields on the Form

Display Name

Specifies the name of the Column that gets displayed in the List

Expand Groups

If the Field is a names field and it may contain Group names then checking this option shall expand the Groups into its members (users). This is not supported for SQL Views

Data from Repeating Sections or Grids can be displayed in the list similar to Main Fields.



Repeating Section or Grid

Displays a list of all Repeating Sections or Grids. The data is presented in a list with the main record being repeated for each occurrence of the Repeating Section or Grid. For e.g in this example below, there is a single Document however the data is displayed for Repeating Section that has 4 entries, hence, the Document is displayed 4 times (1 time for each Repeating Section). e.g:



Displays a list of all Fields on the Repeating Section or Grid

Display Name

Specifies the name of the Column that gets displayed in the List

It is necessary sometimes to bring related information from another form into a list. For e.g if an Issue (Form 1) is related to a Supplier (Form 2) then the Issue Details along with the Supplier details in the same list (Form 1 + Form 2)



Where Form

List of all Forms in the system, this is the secondary Form from where additional information is sought

Where Field

Displays all Fields on this secondary Form. This is the common link between the primary Form and the Secondary form. For e.g the link could be based on the Supplier ID or Number

Equals Form

List of available forms in the List, most likely selection in this case is the current Form name (primary form)

Equals Field

Displays all Fields on the primary Form. This is the common link between the primary Form and the Secondary form. For e.g the link could be based on the Supplier ID or Number


Once the link between the two Forms is established, this field shall display all the Fields in the secondary Form

Display Name

Specifies the name of the Column that gets displayed in the List