Recording Injury Details

  1. Overview

  • Users shall set up the Investigation Team for the Incident under the Investigation Team section.

  1. How to record injuries details

Step 1: Navigate to Injury/Illness tab

Step 2: If there are more than one person select Was more than one person injured? checkbox 

  • if Was more than one person injured? is selected a button INJURY RECORD shall appear.

  • If the button INJURY RECORD is clicked a dialog shall appear to allow to allow entering relevant information for each person. 

  • If there is only one person injured, user shall only need to fill in all the sections under Injury/Illness tab. 

  • For each person multiple Injury Details can be specified. For example, a person could receive an injury that involves burns and bruising.

  • When recording injury details, a visual mapping of body can be displayed by clicking on Show body map checkbox.