To arrange fields in a grid format:

  1. Select the Section in which the Grid needs to be added, note that a new Section has a Grid added by default.
  2. Click New Grid action from the Form Structure pane.
  3. A new grid will be added to the section as shown below.



  1. The newly added Grid takes up the width of the form (1 column)
  2. To add additional columns click on the < or > arrow buttons over the grid, once clicked new columns shall be added.

  1. To add additional rows to the same grid click on the Up and Down arrows and a new Grid row will be added.
  2. If another Grid is required within the same section then simply repeat the steps above.

  1. Add fields in the Grid Layout by selecting the column and then clicking on a field in from the Controls list. The control will expand to fill the space allocated in the column.