Field Settings allow designers to configure additional functionality for a field. 

Refer to the Form Structure here for all the different type of fields that can be added to a form. The topics that follow shall explain how each field can be further configured.

Field Settings can be accessed in two main ways:

From the Application Designer Page or from the Form Builder.

To access the Field Setting from Form Builder Page perform the following steps:

  1. On the ‘Settings’ page click on the Application name to open the Application's Design Settings.


  1. Click on the Form setting where the field is located.

3. The Form Builder is displayed as follows:

4. Hover over a field and then click on the icon to open the field setting. 

To access the Field Setting from Application Designer Page perform the following steps:

  1. On the ‘Settings’ page click on the Application name to open the Application's Design Settings.


  1. On the Application Designer page click on the Field setting by searching for the field name.